The website is published by S.A.S. Nauticoncept.
Company name: NAUTICONCEPT
Head office address: 551 rue Alain COLAS - 71000 MACON - FRANCE
Telephone number: +33 (0)9 72 45 14 29
E-mail address:
Legal form of company: SAS
RCS Macon: 819 500 331 00015
Code APE: 6201Z
Amount of share capital: €75,800
Publishing director and editor: Romuald POIROT
OVH , SAS with a capital of 10 069 020 €, RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045, Code APE 2620Z, N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419, Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
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These cookies offer functionalities to users, such as sharing site pages on social networks, or collecting user feedback.
Statistical analysis
Analytical cookies are used to understand user interactions on the website. They provide indicators of the number of visitors, visit time, traffic source, etc.
Necessary cookies
Necessary cookies are essential to the proper operation of the site, in particular to ensure security, anonymously.
Performance cookies
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Nauticoncept's privacy policy for sites and applications
Purpose of processing (purpose and legal basis)
NAUTICONCEPT, whose registered office is located at 551 rue Alain COLAS, MACON (71000), France, operates an online presentation and sales website. This site enables us to receive orders from our customers, and the data collected is recorded and processed in a customer file.
This file allows you to :
- Manage orders, payment and delivery.
- Carry out marketing operations (loyalty, promotions) and send advertising by e-mail to our customers who have not objected or who have agreed to this:
o On products similar to those they have ordered.
o On other products offered by the company. For example, if a customer buys a NauticSafe module, a NauticSafe accessory may be offered.
- Under no circumstances will NAUTICONCEPT transmit personal data to any third party, other than the partners required to manage orders, payment and delivery.
Legal basis for processing
- Order management: the legal basis for processing is the performance of a contract (Cf. article 6.1.b) of the European Data Protection Regulation).
- Sending commercial e-mail solicitations about products similar to those ordered by customers: the legal basis for processing is the company's legitimate interest (Cf. article 6.1.f) of the European Data Protection Regulation), namely to promote our products to our customers.
- Sending commercial e-mail solicitations about other products offered by NAUTICONCEPT: the legal basis for processing is consent (Cf. article 6.1.a) of the European Data Protection Regulation), as required by article L. 34-5 of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code.
Categories of data
The categories of personal data that may be processed by Nauticoncept when using the website, application, web application, subscribing to our Services or otherwise interacting with us are as follows:
- Identity: title, surname, first name, address, delivery address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, internal processing code enabling customer identification, data relating to registration on opposition lists.
- Order data: transaction number, purchase details, purchase amounts, invoice payment data (payments, outstanding payments, discounts), product returns.
- Payment details: credit card number, expiry date, visual cryptogram (which is immediately deleted).
- Data required for loyalty and prospecting campaigns: purchase history.
- Data required for the operation of NautiConcept applications:
1) Smartphone location: in the event of a reported problem, check-in (first access), check-out (release), checklist (notification of actions to be taken), and connection to a boat.
In all cases, when the smartphone's location is collected, only one location point is collected. Nauticoncept does not collect the smartphone's location in a way that would enable the route to be reconstructed, and therefore does not record the route.
2) Information about the smartphone: smartphone model, operating system version, technical specifications... Only collected in the event of a problem/bug, in order to resolve the problem.
3) Data collected by automated means (not applicable to the use of the mobile application)
We may collect certain information using automated means, such as cookies, when you visit our website, pages or use other of our Services (but not when you interact with our mobile application). This information may include your IP address, login details, browser type, operating system, full URLs, referring URLs and information about actions taken or interaction with our Services. We may use third-party web analytics services on our websites and other digital assets, to help us analyze how visitors use our website and other digital assets. For more details, please see our cookie policy.
The processing of the personal data identified in points 1) and 2) is necessary for the performance of Nauticoncept's contract with its Users. Apart from the address and telephone number, Nauticoncept will not be able to provide the services without the personal data concerned. The processing of the personal data identified in point 3) is necessary for Nauticoncept's legitimate interests in order to provide and improve its Services.
Users may not disclose to Nauticoncept personal data about another person, unless that person has consented in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Nauticoncept will not collect sensitive data. This includes data such as: data relating to race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, criminal record, physical or mental health, or sexual orientation of Users. Nauticoncept will, if necessary, obtain your explicit consent to collect such data.
The User agrees to provide Nauticoncept with accurate personal information. The User may modify these personal data at any time. Nauticoncept cannot be held responsible for any malfunction of the Services due to erroneous personal data communicated by the User or to modifications of the User's personal data by third-party tools.
Data recipients
- NAUTICONCEPT's customer and billing departments are the recipients of all categories of data.
- Our subcontractors, who are responsible for delivering our orders, receive the identity, address and telephone number of our customers.
Data retention period
- Data required for order management and invoicing: for the duration of the commercial relationship and ten (10) years for accounting purposes.
- Data required for loyalty campaigns and canvassing: for the duration of the commercial relationship and three (3) years from the last purchase.
- Payment details: these details are not kept by NAUTICONCEPT; they are collected at the time of the transaction and are immediately deleted once the purchase has been settled.
- Data concerning opt-out lists: three (3) years.
Your rights
If you no longer wish to receive advertising from NAUTICONCEPT (exercise of the right of opposition or withdrawal of consent already given), please contact us (provide here a link to a form for the exercise of data processing rights and freedoms, showing the various hypotheses detailed above).
If, after having consented to your data being passed on to our commercial partners, you wish to reverse this choice and no longer receive advertising from them, please contact us (provide here a link to the form for exercising your data protection rights).
(NB: a link allowing customers and prospects to request the removal of their e-mail address from the prospecting list must be systematically included in all e-mail solicitations).
You can access, rectify or delete your personal data. You also have the right to portability and the right to limit the processing of your data (see for more information on your rights).
To exercise these rights or if you have any questions about the processing of your data under this system, please contact our DPO.
- Contact our DPO electronically:
- Contact our DPO by post :
The Data Protection Officer
551 rue Alain COLAS
71000 MACON
If, after contacting NAUTICONCEPT, you feel that your rights with regard to information technology and civil liberties have not been respected, you may submit a complaint online to the CNIL.
Photo credits: unsplash