
For more responsible navigation

No, it's not just a drop in the ocean.
We're well aware that it's not easy to be eco-friendly on a motorboat. However, there are a number of attitudes and behaviours you can adopt at sea.

Sailing for pleasure, yes, but above all with respect!

This is a very important aspect for us at Liberty Pass, because our team is essentially made up of people who care about the environment and have made real eco-citizen commitments in their lives.

For our part, we're banking on the development of an electric fleet, and on the renewal of ageing fleets thanks to Liberty Pass, which enables us to optimize navigation on new or recent boats, which pollute 3 to 4 times less than boats that have been docked for 10 or 15 years, or even more. And we're counting on our subscribers' common sense and civic awareness.

Let's move on to actions:  

The good news is that there are actions we can take to achieve "green sailing" - smoother, more environmentally-friendly sailing that helps prevent and reduce the environmental impact of our outings at sea. Current events concerning global warming remind us that it is our responsibility as professionals to implement and apply the best practices of sustainable navigation every time we are on board our boat.

Here are some basic tips for responsible navigation:


Water consumption consumption

On board your boat, remember to control your water consumption to conserve water and avoid wastage.


Although it may seem obvious, we'd like to remind you not to throw any waste overboard, especially plastic or cigarette butts. As well as posing a threat to aquatic species, they take years to decompose, clog the respiratory tracts of many marine species and fill the stomachs of fish. Enough to put you off your seafood platter, isn't it?

Before you set off, remember to stow and secure all loose items so that they don't land in the water while you're sailing. Last but not least, as at home, remember to sort your garbage on board and when cleaning the boat.

And of course, we're counting on you to pick up any plastic bags and other floating garbage you find in the water along the way.

Food waste

Although it's not easy to store food aboard the boat, try to do your best not to bring more than you need, give preference to bulk food and remove your packaging before boarding, so there's no risk.

Observe your environment

Be aware of the surrounding fauna and aquatic habits, so as to adopt appropriate navigation. Also remember to respect and avoid protected areas.


Respect authorized fishing periods and zones. Also respect the quantities, sizes and fishing methods authorized for personal consumption only. Always remember to observe good fishing practices, and find out about local regulations in the area where you plan to fish.

Driving: speed limits

Just like in the car, don't go full throttle and opt for a "smooth" driving style (so to speak!): this way you consume less fuel and therefore pay less at the pump when you return to fill up.  

This type of behavior is also a sign of civic-mindedness towards the other sailors around you. Qui va piano va sano va lontano ...:)

So yes, all this may seem like a drop in the ocean given the climate emergency, but if every person at sea adopts this kind of attitude, it's certain that it can only do our seas and oceans good, and humanity will be much better off with this kind of civic-minded and wise behavior. It's like the hummingbird doing its bit. 

We're counting on you to make yours. 

Liberty Pass

Liberty Pass offers you the best alternative to ownership and charter. Subscribe to the boat of your dreams, free from the constraints of ownership, and sail where you want, when you want, from €199/month, all inclusive.

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