
Why choose an unlimited subscription?

Our unlimited sailing offers give you real flexibility, and allow you to be spontaneous.

You don't have to worry about whether or not you've already used up all your credits for the year, you don't have to calculate, no, this problem doesn't exist with the Liberty Pass unlimited subscription.

You can decide to go out at a moment's notice, from one day to the next, in high season or out of season, and you're guaranteed to have a boat available to go out on, thanks to the limited number of members on unlimited memberships (6 members maximum per boat per year) and the reservation token system (we explain it all here).

Unlimited is peace of mind, freedom, it's really like having your own boat, looking at the weather forecast and wondering:

"Is the weather nice this week?"

Yes, the weather's great, all right, so you decide to go out, book a boat via the mobile app, and hey presto, it's as simple as that. It's just like having your own boat.

It really is the ideal formula for any self-respecting sailing enthusiast.

Quicksilver 755 Liberty Pass rental

Liberty Pass

Liberty Pass offers you the best alternative to ownership and charter. Subscribe to the boat of your dreams, free from the constraints of ownership, and sail where you want, when you want, from €199/month, all inclusive.

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